Candidate Registration

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full time private chef jobs, private full time chef jobs, full time private chef vacancy, private full time chef jobs, full time personal chef jobs

Where can I find full time private chef jobs?

Full time chef jobs are found using private recruitment agencies, private recruiters and word of mouth. Occasionally a chef may be approached directly in a restaurant.

Other than social media and private agency websites, the majority of private chef jobs can be found using large recruitment platforms. Our candidates are advised to search for professional private recruitment agencies and keep up to date on various job boards such as: Indeed or LinkedIn and Gumtree as well as using your social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

For full time chef vacancies, please take a look at our chefs jobs board.

How to secure a full time private chef job?

Prior to registration with Perfect Household Staff, please ensure that your CV is up to date and that it includes all job relevant information and reasons for leaving your previous roles.

Following registration with Perfect Household Staff and providing that you meet the agencies requirements, it is important that you apply for jobs that are right for you. Always consider the position which you are applying for and tailor your CV to the position by outlining your experience and reasons for application.

If you have catered for large events or you specialise in a particular cuisine, please make sure that it is outlined in your application.

During the interview stage, ensure to highlight your specialist chef skills to the interviewer. For example, if you have worked in specific restaurants, the experience and what you brought back from there. Also, you can mention any courses that you have taken and what aspects of the job you are passionate about.

It is advisable to consider aspects of a full time chef vacancy which can cause difficulty or may be challenging, for example travel and additional hours if the principals entertain often. Any questions which arise should be asked during the interview and when applying for such jobs, problem areas with which you have dealt with previously should be clear in your CV.

If you would like to receive a list of questions that could be asked by an employer during the interview, please ask our recruitment consultants working on filling the full time chef job.

When do full time private chef jobs become available?

It is not uncommon for full time chef vacancies to be temporary and become available when the families' permanent chef is away on leave.

Occasionally when the employer decides that they would like to try something new or of course, when a chef decides to leave.

New full time chef vacancies are available when families decide to relocate and they can not take their chef with them.

It is import to consider why a family are looking for chef recruitment before applying for a job and to gather as much information about the chef vacancy as possible. The majority of full time chef jobs are long term.

Why chose a private full time chef job?

As apposed to the temp chef jobs, full time chef jobs are stable and secure. Instead of searching for new opportunities the chef will be able to focus on the job at hand.

The majority of full time chef vacancies will have one place of work however, some jobs will require the chef to travel with the family and of course, be on call during their working hours.

Benefits of private full time chef jobs:

  • Structured Working Day
  • Contract of Employment
  • Annual Holiday Allowance
  • Travel
  • Job Security
  • Excellent Salary

The types of chef jobs we offer:

If you are personally interested in our vacancies or know someone who may be, please apply or share our full time chef jobs.

*Candidate registration takes around 15 minutes*

Candidate Registration Form

To find out more about how we can help you to find the perfect chef job, please contact Perfect Household Staff by clicking here to email or phoning: +44(0)203 318 4468. Alternatively please register with us by choosing an option below:

Chef Registration 


Candidate Registration

  Please tick if you've previously
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